About us

About us

We've raised cattle for generations. We started breeding seedstock in 1995 because we were not satisfied with the quality of the bulls we were buying. We'd pay a lot of money for a bull to last one or two seasons. We liked our cattle moderate frame with a deep rib and square hip. Those were getting more difficult to find as the industry was chasing larger and larger frame sizes. Those cattle didn't work for us in our environment. They didn't last. So, we bought some registered heifers and started to breed our own. We figured if it's working for us there are probably others wanting the same.

We sell all of our animals private treaty. We really do not have the ability or the desire to put on a sale. We do not show cattle and we are not going to wash, clip hair or trim feet to show off for sale day. We want to sell animals the same way we want to buy them, honest. 

We select for easy keeping, docile, productive, efficient cattle. The angus breed is miles ahead of every other breed as far as data goes. We DNA test all of our animals to take advantage of that technology to select for desirable traits without having to wait to prove them through progeny.

We do not push our bulls in a feedlot. This is why we mostly sale two-year-old bulls. Feedlot bulls tend to have problems with their feet and structure. They don't last as long. Our bulls are fed a ration of alfalfa, oat hay, and some corn silage to keep them growing in the cold weather. They are sorted twice and any animal that doesn't pass muster is culled. We look at feet, temperament, eyes, performance and structure.